The book we've been hearing about on A-Rod is about to be released. And, so far. it's not good. It alleges that A-Rod:
1) First used steroids in high school and essentially never stopped.
2) Was such a pampered prima donna in Texas that he had the clubhouse attendant put his toothpaste on his toothbrush for him, and also insisted the team deliver special food baskets to his hotel room every day.
3) Carried on with skanks and strippers while his wife was pregnant.
4) Used to hit on girls in clubs by asking if they thought he was better looking than Jeter.
5) Used steroids with the Yankees, and as a result, developed "man boobs." Some Yankee teammates mockingly refered to him as "B.T," or "boy tits."
6) May have actually tipped off pitches to opponents in some blow-out games, hoping they'd return the favor for him someday, and if he were slumping, feed him some easier pitches.
This is gonna be bad ....
I really don't care. I want him to hit home runs, play 3rd base and win a World Series. - John
I hate to say it, but really, who cares? He's a prima donna. What a shock. If he comes back and hits .300, drives in 100, hits 40 HR and steals 30 bases ... who cares?
Giants fans managed to love Bonds and he was a cheater and a douche bag. We'll look past it if he plays well and so will Texeira. who will finally see pitches....LOL - Eric
Yup - that's what I said;)
were stuck either way with the contract so at least he could put up good #'s
I don't care what he did in the past, it's what he does now as a Yankee that I care about. We have to pay him the $$$ so why not get out of him what we can, performance. So what if he is a prima donna, there are alot of those out there.
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