Look at the two clowns in these photos. One guy looks like "Charo" in his ridiculous batting stance and the other guy looks like a poster boy for Ex-Lax. These bozos are now 8-0 against the Yankees this year. What did Yoda say? "Much anger there is in him." Yes, especially when "Youk" got a gift of a call last night on what should have been strike three. Maybe the ump was too distracted by why a guy in the batter's box was gyrating like a stripper. Most of the anger right now, however, is aimed at the Yanks themselves. They always beat up on the peons of the league, yet still can't play with the big boys.
The trend that began in the 2005 playoffs continues. Can't hit decent pitching. Middle of the bullpen can't be trusted. Glad Girardi didn't worry about using Mo too much against Tampa, since he didn't even get into one game in Boston.
Also, enough of the "fun" stuff from guys who aren't stepping up enough. Burnett and Swisher are all about "the loose clubhouse" and all of that stuff, and that's fine IF YOU ARE A LEADER ON THE FIELD. Twice now, A.J. has been horrible against Boston, and I wouldn't mind Swish's goofy hair if he could have kept his head in the game on the bases at Fenway.
Every significant game of historic importance has been a loss this year. Home opener at new stadium. Loss. First game vs. Red Sox at new stadium. Loss. Tonight, the Mets come in for the first time. What can we expect?
Yes, much anger there is in him ...
If I had the answers, I'd have Girardi's job. But some blame MUST go to Cashman and the front office. How can the richest franchise in sports have a catcher and a leftfielder that can't throw the ball? I know these are not the root of the problem, but defense is important and a run here, a run there adds up.
The bullpen is bad. But what should you expect? Mo and Bruney were the only proven Yankee relievers heading into the season. Aceves has potential. And it ends there.
Finally, I think some of the April woes should be blamed on Girardi for playing Gardner, who cannot hit MLB pitching, too long until giving the job to Melky, who I think the Yankees do not like very much for some reason, and for keeping Wang in games and in the rotation for too long.
As long as I'm bitching today, I'll bitch some more ... I HATE ALL OF THE EMPTY SEATS behind home plate and behind the dugouts at the new stadium. I CAN'T STAND IT. It looks pathetic. Did you see Fenway? People packed in like sardines. The place was buzzing. That's how it's supposed to be. They need to fill the good seats NOW. If they can't sell all of them for $2,500, why don't they just give them away to people that work in the office? Just get some people down there and create some energy. I love the new stadium, but the best home field advantage in baseball has been lost. BoSox have it. And it's the Yanks own damn fault. Sometimes I actually think "The Babe" has jumped sides. - Mel
I think we need another quality outfielder. I love Nick Swisher but a case could be made that his two base running blunders cost us those games. Our outfield defense is average at best. Swisher is not an everyday player. - Tony
Mike Francesa on WFAN said today that in his opinion, the Yanks have played in 11 big-time games this year: Eight against Boston and three against Philly. Their record is 1-10.
I get frustrated with Girardi sometimes, but look at last year, when Wang, Kennedy and Hughes were supposed to help anchor the rotation and he got ZIP out of them, plus Posada was out most of the year.
This year, he again has too many DH-type players. Damon, Posada and Matsui are all better at DH than in the field, and even IF Nady can come back, his throwing arm is shot, so he's a DH as well. Even Swisher can be put in that category, as he isn't great at any one spot with the glove. Girardi has to juggle all of this, all the time. He has a lot of talent to work with, but there are only a few spots on the diamond where he has top-notch defense. And yet they just broke a record for most games played without an error.
Also, they figured by June, Wang would have 5 or 6 wins. He has none. You can't blame it all on Joe.
The Yankee pitchers have been squeezed by the umps all year. Yes I am a die hard Yankee fan, but a strike is a strike. I watch every single game on YES and can say the balls and strikes calls have been very erratic. Of course, no one can agrue a ball or strike with the umpire gods from Olympus. Maybe Griardi needs to get tossed from a big game to fire up the team.
Jim M.
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