Yanks/BoSox this week. Yanks only five out in the Wild Card. Huge series. Now is the time for us to inflict all of our venom, deep hatred and wrath on the Sox. We discussed this last fall on e-mail before we had this Website, and before a lot of the guys were in the chat group, so we'll ask again: Who is your most hated Red Sox of all-time? My answer is posted below, though this photo from the 2003 ALCS should offer a clue. Wish Jorge snapped him right in half.
Let the venom fly ...
The comment from last year from Berg, "I hate all Sox," may have been the best answer, but for sake of conversation:
1. Pedro - Hated the smirk little punk. Loved to see the Yanks beat him, which was quite often. ("The Yankees are my daddy.") When he pointed at his head in the 2003 ALCS, as if to say "I'll hit you right in the head," I think I could have killed him. Loser.
2. Bill Lee - Back in the '70s, Lee was always popping off about how he hated the Yanks. Actually, he still does. The night Graig Nettles lifted him up and slammed his feeble body into the ground, dislocating his shoulder and ending his season, may have been the finest moment of the 20th century.
3. Papelbon - Much hatred, I have. No explanation required.
Also hated Oil Can Boyd in the late '80s, and I am beginning to hate Youkilis. Sick of his whining. I really don't know why Joba drills the guy everytime they play, and I really don't care. It's fine.
Also dislike Varitek. Wearing the "C" on the uniform is gay.
Also hate Sox Nation, Fenway Park, Ben Afleck movies and people who vacation at Martha's Vineyard. Oh .. and I also hate the color red.
Schilling= liar=hipocrite= This guy is a classic yank hater and wannabe. He is a dumm red-neck as well... What a complete phony and loser!!
Nice litany of hate so far. And let' not forget that this most likely will be the LAST time the Red Sox ever play at Yankee Stadium.
Schilling is an interesting candidate. On one hand, I think he really wanted to be a Yankee at one time. He also does some great charity work for ALS and his son's name is Gehrig. He was also very respectful of Roger Clemens during the 2001 World Series and noted how he was a mentor and a hero to him.
But ... he's also a bit of a drama queen. Does ANYBODY really believe the guy was actually BLEEDING while pitching in Game 6 of the 2004 ALCS? C'mon man. It was ridiculous. The guy's a millionaire star athlete with the best doctor in Boston - or the best in all of sports - and he's out there gushing blood through his f-cking sock? People that have open heart surgery and have their entire chest ripped open don't bleed like that. Schilling's ankle? Stitch it up, put a big band-aid on it, and he'd be fine. If I were his doctor, I'd sue him for making me look like a hack.
What old "ketchup feet" did was put himself in a no-lose situation. If he gets shelled, he was brave for even going out there. If he wins, he's the gallant hero.
With all do respect to Lou Gehrig, the "Pride of The Yankees," Schilling makes the list simply for being such a poser. Also, while in Philadelphia, during the 1993 World Series, he showed no respect for teammate Mitch Williams by putting a towel over his head when Williams came into a game to pitch. Sure, Williams was a live wire and had some struggles, but that's no way to show respect and support to a teammate in such a big spot. It made him look small.
Manny - no question.
Generally though, I hate New England and all that comes with it.
-- Susan
I hate them all..and their drunken Mcdipshit fans - especially Ben Afflack, but if I had to choose - Pedro, Schilling, Pappleboob, and Beckett..all cocky punks.
Schilling & Papalqueen. Both of them have to be the most vile creatures to ever put on a baseball uniform. Schilling may have suckered RSN & MLB with that "ketchup sock" in 2004, but REAL baseball fans could see right thru his little scam. Papalqueen doesn't even belong in the same conversation as Mo, and his taunting the fans with his WS ring at the All-Star game started all the flack toward his wife. He cried but everyone laughed, just like they did when he CRIED on TV after the Yankees beat him.
Coco Crisp, because every time I hear his name during a game it makes my skin crawl.
Youkilis, because he looks like the kind of guy that, if you accidentaly bumped into him in a bar, would want to fight. He just looks like a dick-head.
Nice stuff here. Mostly '90s and 2000s hate, which is fine. In the '70s, it was Yaz, Fisk, Rice, Evans and Lynn, but I think the only real asshole of that bunch was Bill Lee.
More recently, Nomar was a wuss.
In the '80s it was Boggs and Clemens, but I love those guys. They came to the Yanks and helped win championships. Hell, I liked Rocket even before he came to NY.
I used to dislike Damon, but he's one of the few guys that came to play tonight. His two home runs have been the only highlight. Not good in center anymore, but still a very good leadoff hitter.
BTW: My all-time FAVORITE Red Sox is Grady Little. Thank you, Grady, for Game 7 in '03 and letting Pedro implode in front of 56,000 at The Stadium.
At Alan's request the List.
1. YAZ (What a gay name YAZ)
2. David Ortiz
3. Johnny Damon (once a sox...)
4. Bill Lee (Ace is the Spaceman)
5. Curt Schilling (No one cares what you think so shut up)
6. Pedro
7. Mike Torez (You leave, you give up the homer and then you show up at old timer's day. I reject you)
8. Youkilis (It looks like a rodent is humping your face)
9. Jim Rice (Glad your not in the hall)
10. Ted Williams and his frozen head (Wore the same uniform for 2 weeks because he never got it dirty. I love you Billy)
11. Jason Bay (Welcome)
12. Stephen King
13. Rick Burleson (If you remember the 70's he was a dick)
14. Beckett (Cant believe he is not on anyones list. Hated him as a Marlin)
15. Lester (I don't care if he had cancer he does not get a pass)
16. Mike Timlin (Wes)
17. Manny
18. Oil Can
19. Dwight Evans
20. David Cone (You broke my heart)
So there's 20 Mel if you want some more just ask.
P.S. No Papelbon I do not reconigze
C'mon Berg, give us 10 more ...
10 More
21. Nomar (Was suposed to be Jeter was never even close)
22. Tim Wakefield (The look on his face after the Boone homer-Priceless)
23.Coco Crisp (What's for breakfast?)
24.Carl Everett (Busted up Moose's perfect game)
25.Dennis Eckersly (Punk)
26. Bronson Arroyo
27. Tom Gordon (Do I really have to explain?)
28. Mike Greenwell (80's dick)
29.Bill Buckner (I don't feel the least bit sorry for you)
30.Red Bluhm (Had 1 at bat for the 1918 Red Sox so I hate him.)
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